Passing of Ol Sagamore
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On April 14th the Michigan Bow Hunters, the Michigan Longbow Association and the Michigan Traditional Bowhunters lost a icon. While I didn't know Denny Every very well, I can tell you his passion for introducing kids to the bow was unmatched. I've copied some of the comments from facebook posting on his passing below. "He was one of a kind and will be missed. " "He will be missed by many friends. Sad to hear he is gone. He did much for the Michigan Longbow Association and passing on the tradition to others." "Sorry to hear of Denny's passing. He was a fixture among the bow hunting community. May he walk gently into his Savior's arms." "He welcomed everyone with a big smile and a hand shake ( ladies received a hug ) his presence will be forever missed." "Archery shoots won’t be the same without him." "What A Great Promoter of Archery in all forms. MLA,MBH and His Famous Skunk Shoot. He loved just messing with your mind when shooting his Skunk Shoot. Just trying to get inside your head. REST IN Peace My Friend." "It is very clear that Denny had that special glue that helped us all keep bowhunting fun and at the same time keep traditions near the heart. He will be very much missed by all who knew him. Tip of the camo hat to a truly great bowhunting gentleman. RIP" "My kids and I enjoyed him at the shoots over the years and especially his turkey shoot he was a great man" Rest in Peace Ol Sagamore.
I have known Denny for over 40 years. Denny and his wife Susan live just a few miles down the road from me. My family met Denny when he moved to the west side of the state thru the Michigan Bowhunters. My dad who was VP of the MBH at the time and Denny hit it off from the start.
Denny was more than a promoter of archery. He had a kind and gentle heart towards his fellow man. When my dad's health went south to where he had to go into a nursing home, Denny made it a point to visit my dad on Weds. Why weds? Well my dad's mind was also leaving him and Denny knew this. My dad played bingo on Weds and Denny showed up to help him. When my dad died, 5 grand kids were picked to be a pall bearers and the 6th person was Denny. Sadly Denny was out of state at the time in Pennsylvania and couldn't make it. Denny later told me how sad he was that he couldn't make it to carry my dad to his final resting place. Well my dad and Denny are looking down on me now, shaking their heads, lol
RIP Denny and God Bless you for your kindness towards my dad.
That is incredibly sad news. Denny sure had the flare for the dramatic and was as kind soul to young and old alike. What a great guy he was. I will miss him. My son will miss him.