CWD let loose
Contributors to this thread:Minnesota
From: jjs
Just learned that a deer rancher near Ten Strikes turn loose his sick deer that have cwd in the public woods, north of Bemidji. This is beyond stupidity that causes harm to the state wildlife and to the hunting community.
Either jail time or a class action law suit should be brought to the individual, especially for the ones that hunt the affected area and beyond. Another reason for the out lawing the deer ranching.
The talk is going in and killing every deer in the area which will not solve the problem. I do hunt about 30 miles north of there but cannot see how a extermination of deer could be accomplish unless by helicopter in mid winter by sections at a time, the expense would be great for a fubar.
From: Dale06
If your info is a fact, there should be serious consequences for the deer farmer.
From: arlone
Is this same guy that was dumping his dead deer on public land I wonder? I haven't heard anything about letting live/sick deer loose? Hope it's not true!
From: Tonybear61
Did anyone else notice all the mandatory CWD testing in the regs released yesterday??
From: Tonybear61
The acronym CWD is Chronic Worrying Disease or Climate Warming Doom?
From: jjs
Arlene, apparently what was said in Mn. Outdoors that it is the same person, slap his hands and tell him not do it again will probably happen.