Mathews Inc.
Updated Scorer's List - Indiana
Contributors to this thread:
sticksender 12-Oct-21
Yttails 18-Oct-21
sticksender 18-Oct-21
From: sticksender
The list of scorers for the Hoosier Record Bucks Program was long overdue for an update. Thanks are owed to Kevin Smith for providing the updated info. The county-by-county list also includes many who are certified to score trophies for P&Y, B&C and other organizations. We are now also listing the email addresses for the scorers who provided their's. I've posted the updated list on the website. The PDF file can be viewed by clicking the "measurers" link on our home page.

Hoosier Hunting home page

From: Yttails
Kevin has put a ton of work into this project, it's pretty cool to see this come together!

From: sticksender
And a huge thanks is also owed to the scorer's, like yourself, who take time out of their schedule for training and refreshers and then volunteer their services to all of us sportsmen year 'round ;-)

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