Glenn St. Charles Award
Contributors to this thread:Minnesota
From: Tonybear61
I see long time bowhunter, archer Doug Strecker received the Glenn St. Charles volunteer award from P & Y.
Thank You for all your help at the clubs and ranges over the years.
Congratulations Doug.
From: Pure Archery
Congratulations Doug, I can't think of a more deserving person.
From: arlone
Congratulations Doug. I worked with you at Gresen Hydraulics for a short time back in 1969. I always remember because the story was that you wanted to go on a Catalina Island hunt and the "higher ups" wouldn't give you the time off, so you quit! Used to see you and Kathy at the Minnesota Bowhunter's Banquets and at the Rapid's Trad Shoot. Hope you both are doing fine and having a safe and successful season.