Cost of outstate turkey hunt
Contributors to this thread:Minnesota
From: Starfire
In the past I have hunted SD, NE, WI and IA for spring turkey. I was going to go to western NE this spring but the price of gas will probably nix that. I put together a spreadsheet with costs gas and mileage. Interesting that it would be cheaper to hunt IA the most expensive state for license but because its the closest to me the overall cost would be cheaper.
From: Dale06
I’m going to eastern SD, mid April. It will be about a five hour drive. The run up in gas price will add $80-100 to the cost vs pre Biden.
From: RD
I'll be staying home for turkeys, it's less than a month away!
From: Dale06
I live in the far west burbs of the cities. The city turkeys are really getting active. I see lots of them strutting and fanned out.
From: RD
They are getting really active down here too.