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Deer reporting
Contributors to this thread:
Jon Stewart 12-Mar-22
Keith 14-Mar-22
groundhunter50 23-Mar-22
LonghairedDaddy 25-Mar-22
From: Jon Stewart
According to Chad Stewart, no relation, hunters that take deer will have to report their kill via the internet. He wants every deer killed reported for statistical reasons, to track the kills. He also said antler point restrictions and the baiting ban are here to stay.

He said this on Michigan out doors Thursday.

From: Keith
Interesting. For years, the DNR said that mandatory reporting was not necessary as the estimates they used were just as accurate.

You will be able to do it on line or by phone. It will be mandatory. That came from local MDNR person. It will be set up similiar to Wis system, you will have plenty of time. I think that is a good idea, in my opinion,,,,,,

Last Saturday at my churches sportsman's dinner we had a DNR officer speak. He said some APR's will be going away, but I cant remember the exact areas. He also stated that the DNR realizes not all deer taken will be reported. I have no problem reporting the deer I take. If it helps to some extent, why not.

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