Contributors to this thread:Michigan
From: Buc i 313
Observed a doe the other day in the river behind my house (Midland County) walking in circle's going nowhere. Watched her for about 20 minutes before calling MDNR, shortly afterwards I called animal control who responded within minutes. Officer arrived about an later by that time deer had worked its way down stream and out of sight. I have never seen anything like this before. After some research it appears to me this is one of the typical symptoms of EHD. Anyone have other sighting's of this nature ?
From: craigmcalvey
Ehd isn’t present in the winter as far as I know. Transmitted by insects.
From: Keith
From: Buc i 313
I thought it might be CWD but after talking to animal control thought it might be EHD ?
Don't know if CWD or EHD, observed the deer walking in 8' to 10' circle's and it never stopped in the time I watched it. It was sad to see this deer as it clearly wasn't normal behavior.
From: Keith
My dog walks in circles when she has to take a dump!
From: Buc i 313
Good one Keith