Mathews Inc.
Elk Hunt for $5K?
Contributors to this thread:
CTBobcat 03-Apr-23
Ron Niziolek 04-Apr-23
CTBobcat 05-Apr-23
CTBobcat 06-Apr-23
deadeye 07-Apr-23
CTBobcat 10-Apr-23
CTBobcat 03-May-23
wytex 31-May-23
CTBobcat 31-May-23
From: CTBobcat
I got 8 WY PP's for Elk right now. I'll buy my 9th in July and hope to hunt in September 2024 for bull elk archery. I've begun talking to outfitters- all seem to be in the $8K range. Is there anybody decent left for $5K or so? I don't need a booner, just a likely once in a lifetime chance at a respectable bull. I would be coming alone (flying from CT/NY), so a DIY isn't doable. . I've hunted mule deer & antelope twice in wyoming, mt. lion in arizona, lynx in BC, bobcats in minnesota, and wolves in several canadian provinces. But wow, prices have certainly skyrocketed!

From: Ron Niziolek
Tommy, I can't think of a single outfitter that has anything below 8k, at least not here in the northwest part of the state.

From: CTBobcat
Wow, so crazy. Since a guide isn't required in certain parts of the state maybe I can "hire" someone to take me out for a week.

From: CTBobcat
P&Y online auctions starting soon, maybe i'll try that route.

From: deadeye
07-Apr-23 I used to guide for this outfit. $6750 this year. Really good hunting!

From: CTBobcat

From: CTBobcat
Anyone hunt with Cowboy Country Outfitters of Wyoming?

From: wytex
^^^ ask about shot opportunities.

Looking at their page, looks like they have elk or don't. Meaning they may be in an area that elk gather up early in season and head to safer ground when shooting starts. So they may have some around early then harder to find.

Call and talk about how many elk they have, if they stay all season or if it is better early than later season. Not familiar with that outfit but that doesn't really mean much, lol.

Looked up some prices on folks I know run good operations near here in General areas and they are pricey too now, sorry about that.

From: CTBobcat
Thank you.

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