onX Maps
EHD in Guilford
Contributors to this thread:
SCT 01-Sep-23
SCT 01-Sep-23
SCT 01-Sep-23
2Wild Bill 01-Sep-23
Blood 01-Sep-23
SCT 01-Sep-23
Mathews68 02-Sep-23
Mathews68 02-Sep-23
N8tureBoy 02-Sep-23
SCT 02-Sep-23
Mathews68 02-Sep-23
SCT 02-Sep-23
From: SCT
Just pulled my cameras on the small piece of private. Only one buck this week, who was acting strange. Looked closer and saw his tongue was out like a panting dog the whole time he was there. I went ahead and called DEEP but my family out in Ohio, where it's much more common, said that's exactly what it looks like.

Very disappointed, since this was one of the few bucks I've seen this summer and by far the largest. He's probably dead by now though, if it is EHD

From: SCT

SCT's embedded Photo
SCT's embedded Photo

From: SCT

SCT's embedded Photo
SCT's embedded Photo

From: 2Wild Bill
EHD was first reported in New Jersey 1955.


From: Blood
Hopefully not. It never got above 90 degrees in august and we had a ton of rain. So no concentrations of midges on puddles.

From: SCT
I certainly hope not as well. This is only my second season - what are some other reasons his tongue would be out? Praying it’s something else, only gotten small bucks on camera besides him

From: Mathews68

From: Mathews68
Seen many deer mate with their own.

From: N8tureBoy
SCT. Do you have video of him or just still pics? By chance he may have been eating and the cam just caught him looking funny? I was thinking earlier this summer that ehd would be less likely compared to last summer. Is site close to water?

From: SCT
No unfortunately just sniffing around. He went one way then circles back around 2 minutes later, came back an hour later and did the same thing. Every picture has his tongue like this. This is right next to a decent size pond with a creek running out of it. Hoping it’s just a funky behavior but I’m not sure either way

From: Mathews68
It’s not ehd. The deer mate with their own siblings. It happens all the time. I have 2 deer that 1of them is doing exactly the same and the other just chases its tail.

From: SCT
Very happy to hear that. Now just have to hope he sticks around!

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