Lost and Found
Contributors to this thread:Colorado
From: Siltbowhunter
I have been off the site for about 10 years, noticed a few of the old playa's still around. Where are all my old archery buddies, need to do some catching up!!!!!
From: KHunter
Welcome back. This place has just about dried up and blown away unfortunately.
From: OldFart
Don't believe we communicated before but I do remember you. Mainly cause of "Silt" And the fact that the first time I hunted when I returned to Colorado, it was South of Silt on West Divide Creek. Camped at an old cow camp. Harvested a cow elk that trip (with rifle). A lot has happened since then. December 29, 2019, I had a stroke which paralyzed my entire right side. I have gained a good bit back but not enuf to shoot a compound bow. I might as well admit it, I now shoot a crossbow. If I could shoot a compound, I would be. After 3 3/4 years of exercise and therapy including 3 1/2 months of live in therapy, I still can't draw the compound. I still exercise 6 days a week and rx therapy once a week, I'm just too stubborn to give up hunting, whether by gun or whatever, So, enuf for my rant! Welcome back!! Ray
From: Siltbowhunter
good to hear from some of the same peeps as I did back then. I see K hunter is still out slaying them. Nice work Kirby, that moose is top notch! Kids are all off to college so now ready to get back to work taking care of the overpopulated wildlife in Colorado!!!
From: KHunter
awesome to hear Jeff, get to it!
From: Paul@thefort
Jeff, from one mature hunter to another, welcome back. Paul
From: Siltbowhunter
Thank You Paul, I see your still hard at it also, keep up the fight!