Mathews Inc.
Unit 201 Colorado
Contributors to this thread:
Bow Bender Bandy 21-Sep-23
samman 21-Sep-23
db999 22-Sep-23
Glunt@work 22-Sep-23
bowyer45 30-Sep-23
Bow Bender Bandy 07-Oct-23
Jaquomo 07-Oct-23
Hello fellow Bowhunters. After 28 years, I was successful in getting a either sex Elk rifle tag in 201. I plan I'm hunting with my bow. Last week we Scouted and have a pretty good understanding of the area. If any of you have pulled that unit before and can give any additional advice I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

From: samman
sent a PM

From: db999
Out of curiosity, why would you pull a rifle tag If you plan to bow hunt it? It takes more points, you miss the rut, it's a shorter season, and you will have more competition? Seems to go against everything us bowhunters like about archery season

From: Glunt@work
The either sex rifle tag still catches rutting and there's the option of switching weapons. Wouldn't be my choice of tags but sure would be a fun one.

From: bowyer45
Temperature is definitely better.


From: Jaquomo
Well? How did it go?

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