First Snow Hunt
Contributors to this thread:
TonyBear 31-Oct-23
x-man 01-Nov-23
RD 02-Nov-23
RD 03-Nov-23
TonyBear 07-Nov-23
TonyBear 26-Nov-23
NoDoes54 26-Nov-23
TonyBear 26-Nov-23
From: TonyBear
OK I was out in the start of the snowstorm last night. Really didn't want to track one if the snow covered up the sign. So about last shooting light I decide to get down out of my tree-stand in an area with numerous scrapes. I lowered the bow to the ground and turn to start looking for headlamp other items I will need. I hear a stick snap and of course a big-bodied buck steps off of the trail out about 35-40 yds. Didn't flare the tail, stomp or snort, just circled around and disappeared. Waited til just about dark to be sure he was gone. Took a different route out of the woods.

Serious question, how long before he returns to the area? A lot of rut sign, about a mile back on an old logging road, limited public access, etc..

From: x-man
If he smells a hot doe, he'll be back. Otherwise not till next year...

From: RD
Here in SE they're chasing heavy!

From: RD

RD's embedded Photo
RD's embedded Photo
Today was a good morning, at 8:30 I gave about estrous calls and at 8:40 this guy came in. 15 yd shot 50 yd recovery. 2 more does and another buck came by within the next 15 minutes. They are running!

From: TonyBear
Good job Randy.

I visited the above spot in the story yesterday, more sign than previous. 10 hr sit, nothing. Wind is wrong direction today. Maybe next few days will try again.

From: TonyBear
Just a sprinkle of snow tonight. In checking the cameras from the area mentioned above all I see are does and multiple little bucks working the scrapes.. Passed on one of them at 14 yds.

Lots of wolves howling in the evenings. I am moving back South towards the farms along the St. Croix River

From: NoDoes54
What areas of the state are everyone seeing deer? Last year and each year prior I hunter area 605. This zone says up to 5 deer can be harvested , but I think that amount is set bc of cwd. I think the dnr just wants to wipe out the deer pop bc of cwd prevalence. So in reality the public lands I hunted in 605 I haven’t seen deer and the dnr density report for the previous year map says there are 2.1 deer per sq mile. I am not motivated to go to an area where there are only 1 or 2 deer. I haven’t seen deer in the metro areas I used to hunt in a few years.. for those hunting public in the metro (or outside) are you seeing any deer? Is it even worth it anymore?

From: TonyBear
I am seeing deer, but also being very selective on what I shoot. a nice 13 pt non-typical was shot on the farm I hunt during gun season. Had several smaller bucks including an 8 and a 10 on the trail cams but never saw them during daylight personally. All I am seeing is smallish 4-6 pts in the Metro, Central farmlands and in the big woods. Plus plenty of does. Just having an off year as many of my circle of bowhunting friends have shot the bucks and does that they wanted.

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