Moultrie Mobile
Elk photographed in Columbia County
Contributors to this thread:
Trickle rut 16-Nov-23
HuntFish43 16-Nov-23
Screwball 16-Nov-23
retro 16-Nov-23
Oleduckhunter 16-Nov-23
Trickle rut 16-Nov-23
LTL JimBow 16-Nov-23
maxracx 17-Nov-23
HuntFish43 17-Nov-23
Trickle rut 24-Nov-23
Helgermite 27-Nov-23
Trickle rut 28-Nov-23
Pasquinell 14-Dec-23
Pete-pec 14-Dec-23
Pasquinell 14-Dec-23
bfisherman11 14-Dec-23
maxracx 14-Dec-23
Live2Hunt 14-Dec-23
TargetPanic 14-Dec-23
Drop Tine 15-Dec-23
Pete-pec 15-Dec-23
Trickle rut 16-Dec-23
Grouch 18-Dec-23
From: Trickle rut
Another Elk as of this week seen in Columbia County near the Village of Rio. Any bets on when it gets shot starting Saturday?

From: HuntFish43
Where near Rio?

From: Screwball
Planning a hunt HuntFish43? JK, LOL

From: retro
I'll actually be surprised if it doesn't get shot...

I heard the over/under for this year is 3 elk shot.

From: Trickle rut
I don't know where near Rio. Smile or two I guess but it probably moved since Tuesday.

I agree there is no reason to hunt a deer with a gun when you can use a bow .

From: maxracx

maxracx's embedded Photo
maxracx's embedded Photo
In late Sept he was seen in Weston area, then Oct 11 my neighbors saw him in Kronenwetter within a number of trail cam pics. Fast forward to last week, I am at an account in Montello, and he shows me trail cam pics of the same bull. I was able to compare the photos and without a doubt it is the same bull.

From: HuntFish43
I hunt north of Rio and know a # of landowners large and small and was surprised to hear of an elk in the area. The Peter Helland Wildlife Area, Jennings Creek and Duck Creek Public hunting grounds are all nearby so there is a lot of room to roam.


From: Trickle rut
I've hunted Jennings and helland in the past. Crowded. I guess this year being dry and accessible the orange coats are all over

From: Helgermite
This elk was captured on trail cams near Utica / Edgerton a few days ago. Supposedly it is collared and the DNR is monitoring its travels. Last I heard it was spotted near Mt Horeb.

From: Trickle rut
Today they reported it near McFarland. And the great DNR Elk expert said it is traveling looking for Cows cause it is Elk breeding season. Not bad she is only off two months from Elk rut. The things they think we will swallow

From: Pasquinell
Someone just told me this elk was hit by a car and killed. I'm trying to find a story where

From: Pete-pec

Pete-pec's Link

From: Pasquinell
Thank you

From: bfisherman11
Sad ending, could have been looking for a mate or just trying to get away from the wolves.

From: maxracx
So sad. I knew it was a matter of time. The miles that animal put on was amazing.

From: Live2Hunt
Just for a piece of A. Goes to show, it will kill you fast or it will kill ya slow.

From: TargetPanic
Probably making its way back to Kentucky where there are no wolves to chase it around. LOL

From: Drop Tine
I wonder if that was the same one that they saw in the McFarland area. That one was hit and killed in the Chicago area late last week or earlier this week.

From: Pete-pec
Will, it was the same one.

From: Trickle rut
Same one. They identified it by ear tag #. He was going home. Back to Kentucky I think. Blows me away they think the DNR that he was rut looking for Cows. They shovel more bs than my great grampa did on his dairy farm.

From: Grouch
figures it would be killed in illinois, they drive like morons

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