How about this WT buck
Contributors to this thread:Colorado
From: Paul@thefort
How about this Colorado WT buck. Unfortunate it was hit on the highway two days ago, and had to be put down by CPW staff. Estimated PY score 160. Age, 5-6 years old. Lower jaw teeth ground down to nothing. Locations, west of Crook Colorado.
From: cnelk
Gotta luv Unit 91
From: Paul@thefort
Brad, with CWD at 26%, it is a wonder he survived that long. Actually farther west of Crook. I have spent a lot of time in the area deer and duck hunting and never saw a buck of this quality. Actually, the state record WT, ie, 190 3/8 came for this area in the early 1970 but with CWD and the hunting pressure, a buck of this quality is a far dream these days.
From: Ziek
It's good to see there are still some good deer out there. This is one I killed at Tamarack in 2009. It scored 148 5/8 and tested positive for CWD. You would never be able to tell by looking at him.
From: Glunt@work
Nice buck. Been hearing some blue tongue or EHD has numbers down as well. Deer with CWD appear and act fine until the last stages.
From: Cazador
CWD is and issue, but the biggest reduction on plains WT are things that go boom.
Pic must be deceiving Paul, I don’t see 160 on that buck.
From: Bowaddict
^yes, unlimited whitetail doe tags=less recruitment. I was amazed at the difference in numbers between now and several years ago! CWD is not the biggest factor.
From: tinman
I'd gross him at 160 with the mass being the biggest question for me.
From: Paul@thefort
CL, Yea, gross 160 possible. I was told one side was measured, gross 75-80 inch. So both sides together may score 160ish.