Mathews Inc.
It’s over
Contributors to this thread:
Shawn 12-Jan-24
VTHunter 12-Jan-24
UWShunter 12-Jan-24
Ace 12-Jan-24
Tall 1 12-Jan-24
Blood 12-Jan-24
spike78 12-Jan-24
Mike in CT 12-Jan-24
2Wild Bill 13-Jan-24
soapdish 13-Jan-24
Woodsnut 13-Jan-24
Big Dog 13-Jan-24
Gene 13-Jan-24
Brian M. 13-Jan-24
nehunter 14-Jan-24
BIGERN 14-Jan-24
Thisismyhandle 14-Jan-24
BIGERN 14-Jan-24
BIGERN 14-Jan-24
Thisismyhandle 14-Jan-24
longbeard 14-Jan-24
Shawn 15-Jan-24
Mike in CT 15-Jan-24
Ace 15-Jan-24
Big Dog 15-Jan-24
UWShunter 15-Jan-24
Rackem 18-Jan-24
StAvisy 15-Jan-25
From: Shawn
Apparently someone from our site has been contacting his lawyer. Because I said in my statement today I refuse to enter the woods. She pulled up a picture of a deer I killed and said your a liar basically. The da dropped the whole case. He gets nothing. This is my last post here. You guys can continue with the dinner if you would like. Good luck everyone. Thanks a ton to earl and Donny for coming. I appreciate you guys.

From: VTHunter
Sorry to hear that Shawn.

From: UWShunter
That’s really F’d up & also sorry to hear this.

From: Ace
Man that's crazy Shawn, I'm so sorry to hear that! Private land my friend! Hang in there.

From: Tall 1
I’m sorry to hear that. Hang in there and move on.

From: Blood
Sorry Shawn. I’d go right back to the state land where you were and hunt there again. It’s your right to be out there.

From: spike78
When was the deer killed?

From: Mike in CT

I honestly don’t think anyone from this site spoke to his lawyer; I think you’ve just experienced the reality of social media. A quick search of someone’s name and if they post on any online forum or website it’s easy to pull up everything they’ve ever shared.

Any lawyer worth beans would have done a search of your name; they’d be doing their client a disservice if they didn’t and would be incompetent to be blunt. The safe thing to have done would have been to leave it as being “afraid to go in the woods” as they couldn’t disprove that. That would have laid the basis for emotional distress and left them little option to try and fight it.

If you want to test this theory do a google search of anyone on this forum and see what I mean. Take a breath and calm down; I seriously doubt anyone here would sell you or anyone else out like that.

Peace brother….

From: 2Wild Bill
So sorry to hear this outcome.

"Apparently someone from our site has been contacting his lawyer."

That doesn't surprise me, nor can I refute Mike's suggestion.

"Because I said in my statement today I refuse to enter the woods." Had you only said, "those woods", right?


From: soapdish
Sorry to hear. In regards to people finding out stuff on social media, it's scary. My brother in law was contacted at work by a reporter from new York in regards to a recent family tragedy that occurred last week. All because a coworker posted, thoughts and prayers for their him, at their place of employment. Innocent post.

From: Woodsnut
Social media at its best- Sadly there are a lot of rotten characters out there- more and more everyday it seems - don’t get discouraged- get back out next fall. Otherwise it’s a win - win for them

From: Big Dog
Social media is it's own type of evil, much of it an altered sense of reality and lies gone wild . Shawn, best of luck in all you do.

From: Gene
That's really a bad outcome ! So sorry to hear of this ending. I know it's hard to do, but try to put it behind you and move on.

From: Brian M.
Lawyers have investigators, they find dirt in a sterile room. They excell at using words against you, or twisting the words. To them it's all legalese to win. Even if you're most recent pic happened before the incident, they will use it against you. The da or judge won't know the difference at that point. It will piss you off for a while, learn what you can from it. Have some satisfaction that the idiot had to pay a few hundred or more for his lawyer to defend him. Get on with your life, go scout for next year's trophy.

From: nehunter
Shawn, I'm so sorry for the outcome. Please don't blame anyone here about the information they found.

For one, you posted on a few CT Facebook pages and that's public information.

Another thing, when this first happened I googled the information you provided and I found the aholes name, address and just about anything available.

Another search with DEEP would show your tagged Deer info online with them. Or they just ask the State. As said before, they have full-time people to find every detail about you.

Don't give up, we're all behind you.

I don't think anyone is behind him because you all left him all by himself. Nobody offered to help or guide him even though anyone could have ended up in his position too. He could have used some help. I'm really disappointed in the amount of help offered. No expert here but calling it as I see it. Thanks all! And I miss the days when we had real representation, as in Bob Crook and the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen. The rest of you are all Posers. Amen

Left him by himself? What exactly did you do to help him? Were you there with him in court? Did you call him up and give him advice? If so great. Good for you. But you have no right to call anyone on here a poser just because they didn’t go out of their way to help a stranger from an Internet forum.

I stand by what I said! You don't like TOO BAD.

I stand by what I said! You don't like TOO BAD.

Well I guess you’re a poser then also.

From: longbeard
BIGERN please enlighten us about helping Shawn. I love ya man and not saying your opinion is wrong about the masses here on Bowsite, but if your going to point fingers and call everyone out please enlighten us on what you did for Shawn, if anything. Not trying to be a dick but you can’t just yell at the top of your lungs like Charlie Brown and expect no one will question the legitimacy of your statement. Help me understand, please.

From: Shawn
Guys he showed up for me when no one else did. This is not to call anyone out but could I of used some help. You bet your ass. I walked in there not knowing shit and they twisted my words against me and it worked. I never once said I never went back in the woods since this incident, I said I refuse to go in the woods. Too bad she didn’t bring up my post from December 19th saying I won’t hunt anymore. The da was extremely shady. From day one I got the feeling she never wanted to prosecute this case and was looking for any way out. Well she found one. His lawyer and her met behind closed doors at least 4 times before she even met with me. Tell me there wasn’t an envelope or two handed over. I do feel if I would have had a lawyer that it would have helped tremendously. Bottom line it’s over..

From: Mike in CT
I don't think anyone is behind him because you all left him all by himself. Nobody offered to help or guide him even though anyone could have ended up in his position too.

With all due respect that's simply not true; check the threads below and you'll find quite a number of posters offered some pretty good advice on what to do to try and get justice served.

I'm really disappointed in the amount of help offered.

If you're referring to advice, as I said, check the threads; if you mean physically being present to support Shawn, yes, that's disappointing but before casting aspersions I'd consider how many people had work commitments that day. I spent all day at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield in the lab setting up new equipment and training the techs as well as a meeting with the Trauma team on a quality initiative to reduce complications associated with trauma surgery.

As far as anyone here being a "poser" that's uncalled for. On these threads I can name several posters, some of whom are former UBC members who have done a hell of a lot for everyone who bow hunts in CT over the years. Longbeard, Tall1, Gene, Ace and others have attended countless public hearings, some of which resulted in the Sept 15th start to archery season and many went through long, frustrating years before we finally got some form of Sunday hunting passed.

As I've yet to roll out of bed perfect I'm fine with chalking that comment up to frustration and in this case, it's understandable; you had a front row seat to a friend getting run over by the "justice system."

Everyone needs to take a breath, step back and calm down. This kind of in-fighting is a perfect encapsulation of why we struggle so often to get common sense changes passed; we can't get out of our own way and we get our asses handed to us by those who stay on point.

As Pogo once said, "we have met the enemy and it is us."

From: Ace
Ya know, he's right in this way: WE ALL NEED TO DO MORE AND STICK TOGETHER against the forces working against hunting.

to Bigern: If you want to know what I did, and where I was on Friday instead of in New London, PM me you're #, and we'll talk on the phone. Oh by the way, Bob Crook is retired, BUT there is a group it's called Friends of Conn Sportsmen, we have a full time lobbyist in Hartford and we have built some incredibly close relationships with a number of CT legislators, but we ALL need to become Citizen Activists if hunting is to survive in CT. -I assume both your State Rep and State Senator speak to you on a regular basis right? If not get to know them and their positions, and talk to them A LOT. That part applies to us all! -Mine do know me, and they are both ranking members on the Env. Comm. We have some friends, just not enough of them. Yet.

To: Shawn, sorry I couldn't be there Fri, I was hoping to be but it didn't work out. Let's not assume this is over ... quite yet. Call me and I'll explain. BTW: How about a spring turkey hunt on private land? Bow or shotgun your choice. I have a place with good numbers of birds. You have my number ... btw, I'm no expert caller, maybe we'll get Rich to call them in. Bud I know you feel abandoned and defeated, but the best advice I can give you is: Ask yourself is that asshole is going to win by keeping you from doing what you love or if you'll come back triumphant. Remember: What doesn't kill you make your stronger ... except bears they will kill you!

To Everyone else: Let's learn from this, all we have is each other, our numbers are shrinking and if we don't do more, they will continue to shrink.

I have offered Shawn countless times over many years to come hunting with me and I would put him in one of my stands and get him a deer. He has yet to accept. Sorry you feel abandoned Shawn.

From: Big Dog
I have problems of my own which I endure without calling out others. Over and out.

From: UWShunter
Well said BD!

Frankly, I’ve only seen people on this site be extremely supportive of Shawn from day 1. Plenty of threads dedicated to Shawn.

Shawn, not having an attorney by your side hurt ya big time! I’ve said it from day 1, this bastard who shot you was politically connected & they screwed you without any hesitation. Having an attorney could’ve prevented this.

Plenty here have asked whether you retained counsel. You never replied.

Also, I too was under the impression you haven’t hunted since this incident and now there’s actual proof of you killing a deer since then. That looks horrible on your end and mitigates any alleged trauma you’ve sustained as a result of this & hate to say it, you come across as stretching the truth.

2 things - A court can seriously doubt the veracity of your claim/position if the court believes you lied. The Court adheres to the theory of Falsus In Uno - which means false in 1 thing - false in everything. An attorney could’ve helped you with your statement and approach your situation in a different way. They may have even suggested you don’t even give a statement.

I tried to help you man - I’m not gonna go into what depths, but I’m not sure you’ve told others the full extent of what some of us have done and/or tried to do. If you did, we wouldn’t be called “posers” etc…

There’s another expression in the legal business, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” If anything , I hope you learned something. Sometimes, life sucks.

From: Rackem
Sorry to hear that Shawn. I was in Utah hiking al last week, so I wasn't in the state. The outcome is garbage. I assumed you had hired a lawyer just for the seriousness of the case. I have been on here for a few years and have offered help in the past. Most people on here seem like good people. I have never met anyone from here but most I think are good people. We all have now learned from this that if you need help, just ask. Hope to still see you name in posts in the future. Once again, sorry for the outcome.

From: StAvisy
Sounds like things got a bit messy, but I respect your decision to step away from all this. It's a shame the way things went down, especially when it seemed like you were just trying to stand your ground. You’ve got to do what’s best for you. Big shout-out to Earl and Donny for having your back through all of it – true friends, right? I hope the next chapter for you is much smoother. If you ever need any legal advice in the future, you might want to check out The Olen Firm; they seem to have a good reputation in handling these kinds of issues.

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