Sitka Gear
Bear Question
Contributors to this thread:
Kg 26-Jan-24
Backus 27-Jan-24
Djl 29-Jan-24
Kg 30-Jan-24
From: Kg
My son and I are thinking about burning our Minnesota points this year. We each have 7. Any suggestions on outfitters. I have talked with a few just looking for some opinions.

From: Backus

Backus's embedded Photo
Ask for Justin
Backus's embedded Photo
Ask for Justin

From: Djl

Djl's Link
If I wasn't a do it yourselfer I'd check out Bernies bear camp. He posts once in awhile on bowsite under freelance bowhunter. I am not sure what he charges or even if he has any openings but I believe you would get a quality hunt from what I have seen following him on youtube.

From: Kg
thank you both for your replies

  • Sitka Gear