Mathews Inc.
Contributors to this thread:
Dale06 02-Feb-24
Whocares 04-Feb-24
RD 05-Feb-24
x-man 06-Feb-24
TonyBear 10-Feb-24
From: Dale06
Well, the Mn deer and other game sure should have an excellent survival rate from this winter, warm temps and minimal snow.

From: Whocares
Never saw a winter like this in my 77 years. Although I don't remember the first few! Yup, good for the wildlife. Wolves will still get more than their share of the deer. Kinda getting out of hand. Even if delisted our Governor said he won't allow the DNR to hold a season Obvious we need a smarter Governor, for a number of reasons.

From: RD
The winter of 68 we didn't have any snow and a lot warm temps around the Rochester area. Got married the 17th of February that year with 50 degrees and sunshine. Left Mar 5th for basic training, no snow down there!

From: x-man
Yes, and then we made up for it in 69...

From: TonyBear
Out looking for sheds yesterday. Found plenty of old rubs along a scrape line (some were new in the snow) and a skeleton. No head or legs but the rest was there.

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