Mathews Inc.
Strings and Arrows
Contributors to this thread:
Blood 16-Feb-24
Blood 16-Feb-24
Blood 16-Feb-24
Blood 16-Feb-24
Big Dog 16-Feb-24
nehunter 16-Feb-24
air leak 16-Feb-24
Notme 17-Feb-24
Blood 17-Feb-24
Rackem 17-Feb-24
Blood 18-Feb-24
Blood 18-Feb-24
Rackem 18-Feb-24
From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
Blood's embedded Photo
It’s time to check your strings and cables and make some more arrows. I found this in my cable under my roller guard. I switched up a whole new set of strings and cables because of this. Tuned everything and also made some more arrows. 3D season starts up in a few weeks.

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
Blood's embedded Photo
I’m really liking these colors.

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
Blood's embedded Photo
I haven’t found a better system for protecting the arrow with hard impacts yet. And it looks tough too :)

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
Blood's embedded Photo
Before swapping out the strings on the left. First shot after on the right.

From: Big Dog
Blood, interesting pics

From: nehunter
I like those colors too. You make great arrows, Thanks!

From: air leak
Beautiful job on the arrows. Well done.

From: Notme
How do you like the 4 fletch? Any advantages? And yes you are an arrow guru master

From: Blood
I always had 3 vanes and went to 4 vanes a few years ago. 4 shorter vanes with a helical is kinda like 3 longer vanes with less of a helical. I think the 4 vanes have a bit more stability at distance. And you can’t nock an arrow incorrectly. That’s it. And they look cool :)

From: Rackem
The arrows look great. I like the colors. I will be replacing my strings soon.

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
America’s Best Bowstrings
Blood's embedded Photo
America’s Best Bowstrings
There’s a great deal on these right now. BEST15 was a code they put on their website for 15% off. You can make any colors you want. There’s a few companies with great strings out there.

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
America’s Best Bowstrings
Blood's embedded Photo
America’s Best Bowstrings
There’s a great deal on these right now. BEST15 was a code they put on their website for 15% off. You can make any colors you want. There’s a few companies with great strings out there.

From: Rackem
Thanks Blood I will look it up.

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