CBA requesting your help on BGSS
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Grasshopper's Link
See the link for details, it is the CBA BGSS committee analysis & recommendations to the CBA membership and bowhunting community.
Members should get a CBA email soon.
Why would anyone not prefer an earlier start to deer than elk for archery? As a resident, focus on deer, then focus on elk. Extends available time in the field and reduces perceived crowding issues at the same time! If archery deer started at the same time as archery antelope and ran for 30 days, it would be a huge win.
Treeline, that is exactly why we suggested it!
I'm all for bowhunting, and elk isn't a big "must all be all" for me, but I could see some additional crowding if the deer hunt started earlier. It would be great if it did, but a lot of those deer hunters would then be elk hunting without a doubt a couple weeks later. I think you would see it the other way as well. Elk guys going deer hunting the first week, and then going elk hunting later. I know I would.
Is the first bullet point #1 above correct? I thought it was the CWC pushing that 100% limited agenda and not the DOW?
You have a point. My selfish view is that residents should have plenty of time in the best slots. Late August for timberline muleys was missing. Residents should be the last place to limit opportunity when addressing crowding.
Cazador, Some on the Commission are pushing for all limited draw for archer elk. CPW (DOW) staff, following that lead, presented their recommendations for consideration and review. Public comment period the next two months. Final by Commission will be made in June.
That was what was discussed with CPW at many of the last BGSS meetings, including the workshop with CBA and CPW. CPW totally blew it off.
They also continue to have muzzleloading and archery moose start on the same day. Absolute nuts for a once in a lifetime tag. Should be at least 2 weeks archery followed by 2 weeks muzzle loader and archery followed by 2 or 3 months of any weapon.
The should split the archery season . Pick first two weeks or pick last two weeks. This way they could have a sub point system and charge us more at application time.
Todd, is that bark you are eating laced with psychedelic mushrooms?
Good to hear from you, hope all is well. Not sure why anyone would want a 2 week season over 30 days.
Steve my hunting experiences are more awarding without large crowds, it's unfortunate that archery hunting became such a commercial enterprise. I'm getting longer in the tooth and remembering the time of actually hunting undisturbed game.
The reason that CBA's proposal is doomed to nonacceptance is that they are recommending draw for nonresidents. Once you make CPW go through the process and expense of converting all the OTC units to draw for NRs then there is simply no reason not to include residents in that draw. CBA is simply begging for residents to be placed under the draw by advocating the creation of that process for NRs . It baffles me that they can't see it.
The best proposal for CBA would be for a cap on NR OTC and status quo for residents. That's a simple, inexpensive change that accomplishes the same goal.
Here's why NR caps is a better option than NR draw for current OTC units: 1. Allows the needed reduction in NR hunter numbers. 2. Allows Residents to continue to plan hunts together with NRs (many hunting parties are a mix of NRs and Rs). This will not be possible with CBAs current proposal. 3. Doesn't incentivize putting Residents under a draw system. 4. Allows greater options for both Rs and NRs to adjust to hunting pressure (i.e. we can move within a specific unit and also to an entirely different OTC unit if hunting pressure is too high in the first planned hunting spot.) 5. It's also better for outfitters in current OTC units because they will have a larger pool of clients.
Aspen Ghost,
If you go back and listen to their presentation of the three alternatives, status quo was listed, but they did not considered it a viable option. We have suggested a cap on nonresidents, but they are not really open to that. The bottom line is, changes will be coming and Alternative 2 is simply the best option on the table.
Status quo the CBAs go to suggestion for everything
Wrong. At least get your facts straight.
Grasshopper x 10. Not surprising that so many have opinions but never send any suggestion to the Commission or even attend in person or by Zoom, to get the facts correct or to testify concerning bow hunting issues.
The CBA suggests status quo a ton that's not even debateable. Paul I send plenty of emails and attend tons of meetings. Funny how the last time the bobcat and mountian lion ban was being presented nobody from CBA was present. Also don't remember seeing you at any of those western slope meetings.
because I and others were attending the east slope bobcat and mt lions meetings. Glad you are involved as we both know, many sportsmen do not get involved.
Orion, We were there on the bobcat and lion discussion. Our Legislative Liaison was VERY active in that process. As for the Western Slope meetings, we have attended them online and spoken at them via Zoom. We are all volunteers and have day jobs that require our attendance.
I’m really interested in how all the surveys, testimonies, letters to the Commission etc and see if they will have any impact.
Colo 3-d (Henry). I'll have to disagree this corner of the state rarely if ever has any support at meetings from the CBA. No one was present when we had a meeting in Durango about poor calf elk recruitment no one spoke online either. No one from CBA was here or online at any of our mountian lion meetings. No one was here or online when they had meetings that led to these units becoming draw for archery. We've had one banquet down here which I heard was one of the highest money makers ever but too many guys bitched about travel and it has never happened again. CBA does not show up to things down here. Heck I don't recall them even having a tent at the MAF shoot last summer at Purgatory????