Moultrie Mobile
Nice "Movie" Vermonter
Contributors to this thread:
Will 22-Apr-24
S0sso 22-Apr-24
BAT 22-Apr-24
Vermonter 22-Apr-24
Lunker 22-Apr-24
Ungie01201 23-Apr-24
Vermonter 23-Apr-24
Will 23-Apr-24
S0sso 23-Apr-24
Will 23-Apr-24
BAT 23-Apr-24
From: Will
Vermonter on here made a real nice video of his hunting the past couple years. I suspect several of you have seen it... but if not, it's worth a watch:

From: S0sso
22-Apr-24, not where, but how EXACTLY do you identify an area like this that's THAT active? I'm not looking for anyone's spot, but HOW...and I mean EXCATLY HOW does one identify a spot/area like this? Someone please explain. Please. This video had more bucks than I've ever seen across multiple seasons. I'm obviously doing something VERY wrong.

Please school me.

From: BAT
Nice video with a great ending! Thanks for sharing.

From: Vermonter
Thanks Will!

Sosso, just lots of scouting and in a good area in general. I happened on that spot in the video with all the bucks by necessity because there was no food in my other go to spots (bad acorn year there) so I HAD to scout around and find some acorns. Forced scouting coupled with a nearby sanctuary that is not huntable (obviously) and then just lucky that not a lot of hunters had found that spot recently = more bucks around. There were signs of old stands in there, but didnt look like it was hunted much recently. Tough acces, to, which is probably why its overlooked. Just put boots on the ground and you'll find a place where all of that aligns eventually. I am sure that spot will have down years when the food is not there too, and then I'll be forced to add another spot to my list.

From: Lunker
Loved it. Great work

From: Ungie01201
Great video... i watched it while working out last night... love it.

From: Vermonter
Thanks guys I spent a ton of time on editing and thinking about how to tell the story! Appreciate the feedback.

From: Will
Vermonter - my kids enjoyed it, which is pretty cool. I think that fishing and hiking in the Quabbin often helped :)... Regardless, they actually watched. So that was cool!

It was fun footage, and I liked the story told about the previous few years... But I hope this fall you get into another big one with the bow!

From: S0sso
Thanks dude, ever since yesterday I'm all "Get in the woods! Get in the woods! Get in the woods!" All getting hyped for deer season. Yeesh.

From: Will
Sosso - couple more weeks where you can see all the sign from last fall, plus you can find turkeys.. Win Win.

From: BAT
Although……. I do have to agree with you Vermonter… you should have reloaded sooner : (

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